
How to Follow Up With Connections After a Networking Event

So you attended a cannabis networking event – now what?

Industry events are a great place to make professional connections, but the true catalyst for growing and establishing your network is your follow-up. In fact, your countdown begins right after you head home. You should be prepared to reach out to your new connections within one to two business days. 

To make the most of your new relationships, you should know exactly how to follow up after a networking event. We’ve rounded up some tips and communication templates so you can master the art of following up like a seasoned professional:

Before the Follow-Up: Preparing Your Post-Networking Strategy

Planning is crucial to successful networking – and the work starts before you even attend the event. To prepare for a cannabis networking event, it’s important to set clear goals and objectives. 

Determine what you hope to achieve from your networking efforts, whether it’s securing new clients, finding a mentor, or simply expanding your professional circle. With these objectives in mind, you can target professionals in the industry and tailor your follow-up approach accordingly. 

Another thing to keep in mind is how you organize your contacts and notes from the event. After a networking event, you’ll likely have collected a stack of business cards and scribbled notes. Create a system to categorize and store this valuable information. 

How to Follow Up After a Cannabis Networking Event

There are many ways to follow up with connections after an industry event. Decide when and how you are going to reach out before you even arrive, so you can set expectations with people as you meet them. 

Some things to consider:

  1. Promptness is key. Strike while the iron is hot! 
  2. Personalization and relevance will make an impression. 
  3. Multiple touchpoints will ensure you stay top of mind. 

Here are some ways to follow up after a cannabis event:

Send an email.

Sending an email as an immediate follow-up step after meeting someone at an industry networking event reinforces your connection while your encounter is still fresh in both parties’ minds.

Email also offers a convenient means to exchange contact information and any promised resources. Reaching out with personalized communication demonstrates professionalism as well as your commitment to nurturing the relationship and making it easy for the recipient to respond and engage further.

Template 1: General Follow-Up

Subject: Great Connecting at the TeeHC Open

Hi [Contact’s Name],

I enjoyed meeting you at the TeeHC Open cannabis networking event last Friday. It was a fantastic opportunity to connect with industry professionals like yourself. 

Let’s keep the conversation going and explore potential collaborations.

Looking forward to staying in touch,

[Your Name]

Connect on LinkedIn.

Connecting with new contacts on LinkedIn after a networking event is invaluable as it strengthens professional relationships. As a social networking platform, the app allows you to continue some form of engagement with your new contacts.

Not only does it remind you of the small details like birthdays, work anniversaries, and recent achievements, but it also provides a simple yet effective way to nurture connections and tap into secondary connections through your new-found relationships.

Connecting on LinkedIn provides you with another touchpoint that will keep you top of mind when building a relationship with a new professional contact.

Add value.

Touching base alone is rarely good enough when it comes to cannabis networking. One of the most effective ways for professionals to nurture their network is by providing real value to their contacts. 

This could involve sharing resources, making introductions, offering advice, and more. Consider sending your new connections links to articles, podcasts, or books that pertain to their brand, interests, or current challenges. Another approach is to brainstorm collaboration ideas to help amplify ongoing projects or endeavors

The key is to offer support without expecting anything in return; this prevents transactional connections and demonstrates your genuine interest in building a meaningful professional relationship.

Adding value not only fosters goodwill but also positions you as a valuable and trusted resource within your business network.

Template 2: Sharing Useful Resources

Subject: Cannabis Podcast Recommendation

Hello [Contact’s Name],

I wanted to share this interesting article/podcast/resource about the latest trends in the cannabis industry. I thought you might find it valuable given our conversation at the event.

Here’s the link: [Insert Link]

Would love to hear your thoughts!

[Your Name]

Track and manage follow-ups.

Efficient tracking and management is essential to turn quick event interactions into long-term professional relationships. 

Establish a systematic approach for follow-ups, whether through digital calendars, task management apps, or even old-fashioned to-do lists. Luckily for you, there’s no need to get a clunky rolodex anymore, unless that’s your thing. 

Personal CRM tools such as Covve, Streak, Nat, Queue, Mogul, and others can help you organize your contacts, set smart reminders, keep discussion notes from calls, and more. (You can also just use your notes app or a spreadsheet – we don’t judge.)

These applications ultimately help you streamline the process to keep in touch with your networking contacts so you don’t accidentally go months without talking to them

What to Say if You’re Not Sure How to Follow Up

“Okay, but what the heck do I say?” If you’re unsure of how to follow up without sounding rigid or awkward, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Mention a conversation from the event.

To ensure a more personalized connection, reference a specific conversation or topic discussed during the event. Something like, “Our insightful conversation on social equity at the TeeHC Open’s outdoor concert was extremely engaging.” This subtle reference serves as a helpful memory prompt for the recipient and can set the stage for further dialogue

Offer to help.

Establishing a strong networking connection often begins with offering assistance before seeking any favors. If an opportunity arises for you to be of help, seize it. For instance, if you’ve offered to introduce them to a valuable contact or to share an article you discussed, follow through on your commitment.

During your initial conversation, pay attention to any needs mentioned, whether directly or casually. Maybe they mentioned looking for schools for their children, a job for an old colleague, or a philanthropy partner for the business. 

Make note of these passing needs and see if there’s anything you can do to help through your own network connections. This approach demonstrates your commitment to mutual support, fostering a more collaborative and beneficial networking relationship.

Ask to meet up.

Proposing a meeting for coffee, a video chat, or a phone call is an excellent way to foster a deeper connection with a new contact, regardless of your location. You can frame it as an opportunity to build on a specific conversation from the event. 

You could say, “I’m eager to improve our brand’s packaging and your work stood out to me at the TeeHC Open. Would you be available for a coffee meetup next week to talk more in-depth about a potential partnership?” This approach demonstrates your commitment to meaningful dialogue and relationship-building beyond the initial networking event.

Template 3: Request for a Coffee Chat

Subject: Let’s connect over coffee!

Hi [Contact’s Name]

Our conversation about [mention topic] got me thinking. Would you be interested in grabbing a coffee sometime soon to discuss potential opportunities between our brands?

Let me know your availability!

[Your Name]

Build Long-Term Industry Relationships at the TeeHC Open

The benefits of networking events are undeniable. When it comes to cannabis networking, the true measure of success lies in transforming your event connections into enduring, mutually beneficial relationships. These relationships aren’t merely fleeting encounters but rather the building blocks of a thriving professional network

By following up after the TeeHC Open thoughtfully, offering value, and nurturing connections over time, you can create lasting bonds. 

Ready to grow your network? Contact us to make sure you’re on our guest list for next year’s event. 

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